Pro text/hex editor
with Binary Templates

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When a Script or Template is executed, a special preprocessor stage is run before the main compilation of the file begins. In the preprocessor stage, the software finds any preprocessor directives (e.g. #include, #ifdef, #define, etc.) and uses them to modify the text of the original source code. Each preprocessor directive must start with a '#' character and the '#' character must be the first non-whitespace character on a line.


Special preprocessor constants can be defined using the syntax '#define <constant_name> [ <text_value> ]'. For example:

     #define PI 3.14159265

Note that a semi-colon is not required after the statement. When any occurrence of the defined constant name is encountered in the rest of the source code (except inside of a string), it will be textually replaced with the defined value of the constant. For example:

     Printf( "ToRadians=%lf\n", 90.0 * (PI/180.0) ); 

When defining a constant, a value is not required after the constant name in which case a constant is still defined but it will have an empty value. The constant value can be any text string and multi-line values can be defined by placing a '\' character as the last character of a value line. For example:

     #define CHECK_VALUE if( value > 5) { \
         Printf( "Invalid value %d\n", value ); \
         Exit(-1); }
     int value = 4;
     value = 10;

Constants created with #define can also include other constants that have previously been created with #define. For example:

     #define FILE_ICON   12
     #define FOLDER_ICON (FILE_ICON+100) 

Any constants that are defined can be undefined later using the syntax '#undef <constant_name>'. Note that some preprocessors support macros with #define statements but this is not currently supported in 010 Editor.

Built-in Constants

The following constants are defined automatically in 010 Editor depending upon which version of 010 Editor is being run:
  • _010EDITOR - always defined when running 010 Editor.

  • _010_WIN - defined if running the Windows version of 010 Editor.

  • _010_MAC - defined if running the Macintosh version of 010 Editor.

  • _010_LINUX - defined if running a Linux version of 010 Editor.

  • _010_64BIT - defined if 010 Editor is being run in 64-bit mode.

Conditional Compilation

The preprocessor directives #ifdef and #ifndef can be used to compile or ignore whole sections of source code depending on if certain constants were defined with the #define directive above. The syntax for these commands is:

    #ifdef | #ifndef <constant_name>
    [ #else ]

A common usage of this syntax is to place code such as:

     #ifndef CONSTANTS_H
     #define CONSTANTS_H

at the beginning of a header file (e.g. constants.h) and then an '#endif' statement at the end of the header file. Then, if this header file is included twice into the source code with #include (see below), the code inside the header file will only be compiled once (the second time the file is included the constant CONSTANTS_H is already defined so the #ifndef statement skips the rest of the code). Note that multiple #ifdef or #ifndef statements can be nested inside of each other, but make sure the #endif statements properly line up with the #ifdef/#ifndef statements.

Warnings and Errors

The preprocessor directive #warning can be used to output a message to the Output tab of the Output Window during compilation with the syntax '#warning "<message>"'. For example:

     #ifdef NUMBITS
         value = value + NUMBITS;
     #warning "NUMBITS not defined!"

The #error directive is similar to the #warning directive except compilation will stop once an #error directive is reached. For example:

     #ifndef CURRENT_OS
     #error  "CURRENT_OS must be defined. Compilation stopped."


The #include directive is supported to insert additional text files into the current file. This directive is discussed in the separate Includes help topic.

External Functions

The #link/#endlink directive can be used to call functions inside an external DLL. See the External (DLL) Functions help topic for more information.

This is the manual for 010 Editor, a professional hex editor and text editor. Use 010 Editor to edit the individual bytes of any binary file, hard drive, or process on your machine. 010 Editor contains a whole host of powerful analysis and editing tools, plus Binary Templates technology that allows any binary format to be understood.

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