if Statements
Statements may be grouped by '{' or '}' and may contain the regular C if statement, or the if-else statement in the form 'if( <condition> ) then <statement> [else <statement>]'. For example:
if( x < 5 )
x = 0;
if( y > x )
max = y;
max = x;
y = 0;
for Statements
The standard C for statement can be used in any Script or Template in the form 'for( <initialization>; <condition>; <increment> ) <statement>'. For example:
for( i = 0, x = 0; i < 15; i++ )
x += i;
while Statements
The while and do-while statements can also be used in the form 'while( <condition> ) <statement>' or 'do <statement> while( <condition> )'. For example:
while( myVar < 15 )
x *= myVar;
myVar += 2;
x *= myVar;
myVar += 2;
while( myVar < 23 );
switch statements
A switch statement can be used to compare a variable with a number of values and perform different operations depending on the result. switch statements are of the form:
switch( <variable> )
case <expression>: <statement>; [break;]
default : <statement>;
For example:
switch( value )
case 2 : result = 1; break;
case 4 : result = 2; break;
case 8 : result = 3; break;
case 16 : result = 4; break;
default : result = -1;
break and continue
break or continue can be used in a Script or Template using the syntax 'break;' or 'continue;'. Use break to exit out of the current for, switch, while, or do block and transfer program control to the first statement after the block. break can also be used to break out of structs when writing Templates. Use continue to jump to the end brace of any for or while loop and continue execution of the loop.
At any point during program execution the statement 'return <expression>;' can be used to stop execution. The returned value will be displayed in the Output tab of the Output window which can be displayed by pressing Alt+3. For example:
return 45 + 0x10;
would display 61 in the Output area. return is also used to return a value when defining custom functions (see Functions).