Pro text/hex editor
with Binary Templates

010 Editor - Full Feature List

The following is a list of all features in 010 Editor. Any features not available in the initial release indicate the version number when they were first available. The Release Notes for 010 Editor are also available to see when different features were added.

- Editing Files

  • Unlimited undo/redo for most operations (even inserting large blocks).
  • Multiple documents can be opened at the same time.
  • Optionally highlight current line while editing.
  • Open multiple views of the same file.
  • Can reopen all previously opened files when 010 Editor is restarted (v4.0).
  • Editor can be split into two parts. (v2.0)
  • Support for high-DPI displays (retina, 4K, etc). (v8.0 updated)
  • Drag and drop from Windows Explorer to open files. (v1.1)
  • Drag and drop from Macintosh Finder to open files. (v3.2)
  • Caret size changes in Insert/Overwrite mode. (v14.0 updated)
  • Scrolling can be synchronized between windows. (v2.0)
  • Addresses can be displayed as hex, decimal, octal, line number, sector, or short number. (v4.0 updated)
  • Integrated with the Windows Explorer right-click menu for easy access.
  • Specify many options (font, endian, character set, etc.) automatically based on the file extension.
  • Use any font for editing.
  • Supports ASCII, ANSI, OEM, EBCDIC, Unicode, UTF-8, Macintosh, plus many International character sets. (v9.0 updated)
  • Character sets can also be customized, imported and exported. (v9.0)
  • Select all bytes or any range in the file.
  • The selection is blended with existing text colors to allow color information to show through (v11.0).
  • Ruler for locating byte offsets.
  • Full support for Unicode filenames. (v3.0)
  • Set File Size, Insert Bytes, Overwrite Bytes, Insert File, or Overwrite File commands. (v3.0 updated)
  • Use Ctrl++ or Ctrl+- to enlarge or shrink the font. (v3.0)
  • The Status Bar contains a number of popup panels for selecting the edit as, syntax coloring, character set, etc. (v11.0)
  • Middle-click and drag to scroll, or middle-click once to enter a scrolling mode. (v13.0)

- Text Editor

  • Easy-to-use text editor with standard commands (cut, copy, paste, etc). (v3.0)
  • Can edit Unicode, UTF-8, or EBCDIC files. (v3.1 updated)
  • Support for huge text files (50 GB+). (v4.0)
  • Includes syntax highlighting for C/C++, HTML, XML, SQL, PHP, etc. (v9.0 updated)
  • Syntax Highlighters can be downloaded and shared via our online Template Repository. (v9.0)
  • Can create your own syntax highlighting schemes. (v5.0)
  • Support for indent/unindent with Tab/Shift+Tab. (v3.0)
  • Supports different types of linefeeds including DOS, Unix, Mac, plus Unicode linefeeds. (v3.0)
  • Supports word wrap at a specific column or the edge of the window. (v4.0)
  • Auto-detect, add and remove byte-order-marks (BOMs). (v4.0)
  • Double-click and drag to select by word. (v8.0)
  • Supports auto-indent. (v14.0)
  • Use Ctrl+Backspace to delete the previous word or Ctrl+Del to delete the next word. (v8.0)
  • Can visualize space, tab and linefeed characters with Show Whitespace (v10.0 updated)
  • Line number and ruler labels are now hidden by default but mouse-over to show (v10.0).

- Hex Editor

  • Easy-to-use hex editor with standard commands (cut, copy, paste, etc).
  • Unlimited file size and files are opened instantly.
  • Modified bytes are highlighted in the editor.
  • Division lines can be used to indicate blocks of data. (v2.0)
  • Sector lines are drawn to indicate sectors on a hard drive. (v2.0)
  • Edit data as hex, character, octal, binary, or decimal values.
  • Automatically choose number of bytes per row or use custom value (up to 1024).
  • Group bytes together by sets of 1, 2, 4, 8, or a custom value.
  • Visually swap bytes in the hex editor without modifying the underlying data. (v4.0)
  • Can set a custom starting address for a hex file. (v13.0)

- Mini Map

  • An overview diagram called the Mini Map is located at the right side of each text or hex editor (v12.0)
  • The Mini Map shows coloring from the main file including the selection, Find results, Compare results, highlighting rules, etc. (v12.0)
  • The Mini Map can be hidden, zoomed in or out, and can be moved to the left or ride side of the editor. (v12.0)
  • Scrolling the editor automatically scrolls the Mini Map. (v12.0)
  • Right-click on the Mini Map to access Mini Map options or use the 'View > Mini Map' menu. (v12.0)
  • Click and drag the line separating the Mini Map from the rest of the editor to resize the Mini Map. (v12.0)
  • The Mini Map can also be viewed in the Visualize tab, located in the Inspector tab group. (v12.0)
  • Hovering the mouse over the Mini Map shows a highlighted rectangle, indicating the portion of the Mini Map that is visible in the Editor. (v12.0)
  • Click and drag the highlighted rectangle to scroll the Mini Map and Editor. (v12.0)
  • For hex files, the coloring algorithm for bytes can be controlled with the contrast, brightness and colorize options. (v12.0)
  • Choices for colorize include ASCII Sections, Rainbow, Heat, Ocean, Gray and Custom. (v12.0)
  • The number of bytes per line for the hex Mini Map can be controlled using the Mini Map Options. (v12.0)
  • Clicking on a line of the Mini Map that is not in the highlighted rectangle centers the editor on that line (hold the mouse down to velocity scroll). (v12.0)

- Themes

  • Dark and light application themes are available. (v8.0)
  • Themes can be customized, created, exported and imported using the Theme/Colors page of the Options dialog. (v8.0)
  • Themes can now be applied to dialogs and scroll bars. (v12.0)

- File Tabs

  • Tabs (including close buttons) for switching between files. (v8.0 updated)
  • Can have multiple groups of tabs plus a floating tab group. (v3.0)
  • Can drag tabs to reorder or drag tabs to other tab groups. (v8.0 updated)
  • Tabs can be scrolled using the mouse wheel. (v8.0)
  • Tear-off a tab to a new window by dragging up or down and releasing. (v13.0)
  • Multiple floating windows with tab groups can be created. (v13.0)

- Format

  • Can apply formatting rules to text including Uppercase, Lowercase, and Capitalize. (v5.0)
  • Duplicate lines, or move blocks of lines up or down in the editor. (v13.0)
  • Convert tabs to spaces (tabify), or spaces to tabs (untabify). (v5.0)
  • Apply or remove comments for blocks of text. (v5.0)
  • Increase or decrease line indenting for blocks of text. (v5.0)
  • Delete blank lines, or trim trailing whitespace. (v5.0)
  • Delete words to the left or right of the cursor or delete entire lines. (v9.0)

- Hard Drive Editing

  • Open entire logical or physical hard drives using 'File > Open Drive'. (v2.0)
  • Support for editing hard drives, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, memory keys, flash drives, etc. (v2.0)
  • Make disk images for drive using 'File > Save As'. (v2.0)
  • Jump to next or previous drive sector with Alt+Down, Alt+Up. (v2.0)
  • Get properties of the drive using 'Edit > Properties'. (v2.0)
  • Open hard drives from the command line. (v2.0)

- Process Editing

  • Open processes using 'File > Open Process'. (v2.0)
  • Process editing only currently available on Windows. (v2.0)
  • Select which heaps or modules to open. (v2.0)
  • Make image of process using 'File > Save As'. (v2.0)
  • Get properties of the process using 'Edit > Properties'. (v2.0)
  • Open processes from the command line. (v2.0)
  • List of current heaps displayed in 'Process' tab of the Output Window. (v2.0)
  • Processes use addresses according to the memory location. (v13.0)

- Clipboards

  • Fast clipboard operations using the powerful 010 Editor data engine.
  • Often huge hex blocks can be copied or pasted instantly.
  • Supports the Windows clipboard plus 9 user clipboards.
  • Copy data as hex bytes, or paste from hex bytes.
  • Allows pasting in a variety of different formats with 'Paste Special'. (v1.3)
  • Easily export or import data from a variety of different formats using 'Copy As' and 'Paste From' (v2.1).

- Highlighting

  • Apply highlighting rules to easily identify bytes by color.
  • Built in highlights for linefeeds, non-ASCII characters, control characters, etc.
  • Specify custom highlights using sequences such as "0..5, 0x10, '\n', '\r'".
  • Multiple highlights can be applied at the same time using different colors. (v2.0)
  • Can apply highlighting rules to shorts (group of 2 hex bytes). (v4.0)

- Workspace

  • Easily keep track of all open/recent files.
  • Add files to a favorites list.
  • Locate files which currently have bookmarks.
  • Integrated File Explorer with history and filters.
  • Supports drag-and-drop and multi-select. (v13.0)
  • Can be used to view and edit Projects. (v13.0)
  • Can save a Workspace to a file and then easily switch all open files by loading the Workspace. (v13.0)

- Projects

  • Projects can be saved which store a list of files being worked on in a tree structure. (v13.0)
  • Add files to a Project using a standard file dialog box or add all open files to the project. (v13.0)
  • Can add a directory to a Project with an optional file mask. (v13.0)
  • Supports drag-and-drop and multi-select when working with Projects. (v13.0)
  • Projects can be created with or without an associated Workspace (all open files change when loading the project). (v13.0)
  • Has a list of recently used Projects and Workspaces. (v13.0)

- Inspector

  • Automatically interpret and edit data in a number of different formats.
  • Supports editing Bytes, Shorts, Ints, or Int64s (Unsigned or Signed) plus Float, Double, and String.
  • Many date formats supported including DOSTIME, DOSDATE, FILETIME, OLETIME, and time_t.
  • File can be parsed into variables easily using Binary Templates.
  • Can interpret data as a Unicode string. (v3.0)
  • Displays any bookmarks created for the file.
  • Displays a list of functions available when writing scripts or templates. (v3.0)
  • Custom data types can be added to the Inspector and existing data types can be reordered or removed. (v4.0)
  • Disassembly of single instructions added for X86 (64/32-bit) and ARM (64/32-bit). (v12.0)

- Calculator

  • Integrated expression calculator using C syntax (for example '0x100 + (191 << 8)').
  • Many operators supported including +, -, *, /, &, ~, ^, %, |, <<, >>, ?:, etc.
  • Variables and arrays can be used.
  • Includes calculator buttons for performing calculations using the mouse. (v3.0)
  • Over 350 integrated functions including Sin, Cos, Pow, Sqrt, etc. (v13.0 updated)

- Disassembler

  • Disassembler available for X86 (64/32/16-bit), ARM (64/32-bit), MIPS (64/32-bit), PowerPC (64/32-bit), SPARC, SystemZ, XCore, and Motorola 68000 (m68k). (v13.0 updated)
  • Use 'Tools > Disassembler' to access the disassembler. (v12.0)
  • The Disassembler is also integrated with Templates using the 'Opcode' data type. (v12.0)
  • Selecting an opcode in the Disassembler results selects the hex bytes for the opcode in the Hex Editor. (v12.0)
  • Uses Capstone disassembly framework for performing disassembly. (v12.0)
  • The Inspector supports disassembly of single instructions for X86 (64/32-bit) and ARM (64/32-bit). (v12.0)
  • Has disassembler options for ARM v8, ARM MClass, ARM Thumb Mode, MIPS Micro, MIPS 32r6, MIPS ii, MIPS iii, PowerPC QPX, SPARC v9. (v12.0)
  • Endianness is supported for ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC. (v12.0)
  • Can display disassembly results in Intel or AT&T syntax ('mov rbx, rcx' versus 'movq %rcx, %rbx'). (v12.0)

- Binary Templates

  • Easily parse binary files into a number of variables.
  • Templates are written using a syntax similar to C/C++.
  • Extremely flexible syntax allows virtually any file to be completely parsed.
  • Integrated source code editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Easily execute templates using the 'Run Template' section above each file. (v4.0)
  • Context sensitive help when editing templates. (v2.0)
  • When a variable is declared in a template, the variable is mapped to a set of bytes in the file.
  • File can be read or modified using the created variable.
  • Position mouse over a byte in the hex editor and a hint popup will display the variable at that position. (v2.0)
  • If the bytes under the mouse belong to a struct, the struct will be draw outlined. (v14.0)
  • Variables can be edited using the Inspector, the Calculator, or a Script.
  • Use structs to parse data into a hierarchal structure.
  • Use if-else, for, or while when defining data structures.
  • Color and endian of variables can be specified.
  • Use styles to apply colors to variables. (v14.0)
  • Support for typedefs.
  • Support for bitfields. (v1.3)
  • Includes special bitfield mode for treating a file as a stream of bits (BitfieldDisablePadding). (v2.1)
  • Built-in support for a large number of data types.
  • Includes support for enums - shows a drop-down list of all values when editing. (v1.1)
  • Templates can be configured to automatically run when a file is loaded.
  • Sample templates included for ZIP, BMP, and WAV files (v2.0 updated)
  • Support for forward and recursive structures. (v1.1)
  • Specify hex, decimal, octal, or binary display for variables. (v1.3)
  • Read null-terminated or constant size strings.
  • Support for wide strings with 'wstring' and 'wchar_t'. (v3.1)
  • Run templates from the command line. (v2.0)
  • Define your own custom functions (recursion supported). (v2.0)
  • Support for unions. (v2.0)
  • Use '#include' keyword to include files. (v2.0)
  • Support preprocessor directives #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, etc. (v3.1)
  • Define your own custom data types by writing special read/write functions. (v2.0)
  • Read/write functions can now be written inline using a function call or expression. (v12.0)
  • 'Jump to Template Variable' command to lookup a template variable from a file address. (v2.0)
  • Can define regular C-like variables using the 'local' keyword. 'local' structs can also be defined. (v11.0 updated)
  • Add comments to the template results using <comment="">. (v3.1)
  • Comments can also be specified using a custom function. (v4.0)
  • Can pass arguments into structures. (v3.1)
  • Specify the initial open status of variables using <open=true|false|suppress>. (v3.1)
  • Hide template variables using <hidden=true|false>. (v3.1)
  • Easily export or import a list of templates. (v3.2)
  • Handle templates with millions of template variables with On-Demand Structures. (v3.2)
  • Template can now handle data split across multiple files. (v4.0)
  • Includes a tutorial on using Binary Templates. (v3.0)
  • Integrated online template repository for sharing templates. (v7.0)
  • Templates can call functions in external DLLs. (v9.0)
  • Debugger included for finding and fixing problems with Templates. (v10.0)
  • Templates are now run threaded. (v10.0)
  • 'GUID' type is built-in. (v11.0)
  • 'Opcode' type is available for integration with the Disassembler. (v12.0)
  • Can right-click on a hex editor to run a template at the current cursor position or on a selection. (v11)
  • In the Template Results, right-click on a variable and use Goto Definition to jump to the code which created the variable. (v13.0)
  • For more information see Binary Templates.

- Scripts

  • Write mini programs using C syntax (similar to the Calculator).
  • Can modify any of the variables created in a Binary Template.
  • Can be used to control the interface, open files, close files, etc.
  • Integrated source code editor with syntax highlighting.
  • Easily execute scripts using the 'Run Script' section above each file. (v4.0)
  • Context sensitive help when editing scripts. (v2.0)
  • Use if-else, for, or while to control program flow.
  • Support for switch, case, break, and continue keywords. (v2.0)
  • Use '#include' keyword to include files. (v2.0)
  • Support preprocessor directives #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, etc. (v3.1)
  • Use -noui to run 010 Editor without a user interface for batch files. (v3.1)
  • Special 'string' type included.
  • Support for wide strings with 'wstring' and 'wchar_t'. (v3.1)
  • Over 275 integrated functions for file manipulate, math, I/O, etc. (v4.0 updated)
  • Support for standard C Printf function with automatic type checking. (v4.0 updated)
  • Perform complex operations such as Compare, Find, Find in Files, Checksums, Import, Export, etc with script functions. (v2.0)
  • Run scripts from the command line. (v2.0)
  • Can pass arguments to scripts from the command line. (v3.2)
  • Can mark scripts to be run on startup, shutdown, or when certain files are opened. (v2.0)
  • Special keywords 'exists' and 'startof' for working with template variables. (v2.0)
  • New sample scripts for splitting or joining binary files. (v2.0)
  • Easily export or import a list of scripts. (v3.2)
  • Scripts can call functions in external DLLs. (v9.0)
  • Integrated online script repository for sharing scripts. (v7.0)
  • Debugger included for finding and fixing problems with Scripts. (v10.0)
  • Scripts are now run threaded. (v10.0)

- Debugger

  • Find and fix problems in 010 Editor Scripts and Templates with the debugger. (v10.0)
  • Can step through each line of a Script or Template. (v10.0)
  • Set breakpoints by left-clicking on the address column when editing a Script or Template. (v10.0)
  • Control program flow with Start, Pause, Stop, and Continue commands. (v10.0)
  • Can step into, over, or out of functions and structs. (v10.0)
  • When stopped at a line, place the mouse over the name of a variable in the Text Editor to view the variable value in a hint popup. (v10.0)
  • Watches can be set using the Watch tab. A watch can be almost any expression. (v10.0)
  • Use the Quick Watch dialog to evaluate a watch expression without creating a watch. (v10.0)
  • The Call Stack tab shows which functions or structs were called to reach the current line. (v10.0)
  • The debugger can be set to open when an error occurs in a Script or Template. (v10.0)
  • Debugging can be turned off for the application. (v10.0)

- Repository

  • New 010 Editor Repository holds an online collection of Binary Templates and Scripts that have been submitted by users of the software. (v7.0)
  • Files from the Repository can be downloaded and installed or uninstalled in 010 Editor with the click of a button. (v7.0)
  • When opening a file a dialog pops up if a Template is found in the Repository that can parse the file (can install the Template or ignore). (v7.0)
  • Templates or Scripts can be submitted to the Repository directly from 010 Editor. (v7.0)
  • All files in the repository are also available on the web site. (v7.0 updated)
  • Support for multiple versions of files included updates, 3-way merges, and conflict handling. (v7.0)

- Bookmarks

  • Bookmarks can be used to flag a set of bytes in a file.
  • Created bookmarks are persistent (automatically saved).
  • A bookmark can be interpreted as a number of different data types or an array and edited using the Inspector.
  • Endian and color can be specified for each bookmark.
  • Bookmarks can now be defined using custom data types defined in Templates. (v2.0)
  • Bookmarks can be set to move when the cursor changes position. (v2.0)
  • Can use 'Toggle Bookmark' command to quickly set or unset bookmarks. (v3.0)

- Find and Replace

  • Search or replace by any of the supported data types (ASCII string, Unicode string, EBCDIC string, int, float, etc.).
  • Find or replace using a bar at the bottom of the editor. (v4.0)
  • Find All command displays all results in a table, highlights bytes in the main display, and displays a graph of where the occurrences are located.
  • Find All in text files lists the whole line where the occurrence was found. (v4.0)
  • Find Next or Find Previous commands.
  • Match case or whole word options for string searches.
  • Find by a numeric tolerance (i.e. +/- 0.0001) for float or double searches.
  • Pad with zeros option when replacing strings.
  • Replace All command, or interactively step through all possible replacements.
  • Search up or down.
  • Keeps a history of previous finds and replaces.
  • Support for regular expressions and capture groups. (v11.0 updated)
  • Can search with wildcards '*' and '?'. (v2.0)
  • Allow multiple find ranges to color the same file. (v2.0)
  • Use the Find Strings tool to locate strings in a binary file. (v4.0)
  • Can search for template variables using the Find Bar. (v4.0)
  • Can lock find/replace to a specified range. (v4.0)
  • Find results can be exported or imported. (v6.0 updated)

- Find in Files/Replace in Files

  • Can recursively search a directory or all open files for a set of bytes. (v2.0)
  • Find in Files displays results in a table and includes a graph to indicate where the occurrences were found. (v2.0)
  • Can expand or hide results for each file. (v2.0)
  • Can use Replace in Files to make replacements across multiple files at the same time. (v3.0)
  • Can ignore symbolic link directories. (v11.0)

- Goto

  • Easy to use tool to jump to any address, line, sector or short in a file. (v4.0 updated)
  • Goto tool displayed as a bar below the editor for easy workflow. (v4.0)
  • Jump relative from the beginning of file, the current position, or the end of a file.
  • Goto again command which can be used for stepping through a file.
  • Keeps a history of previous Goto commands.
  • Goto Line supports jumping to a column number using "line,column" or "line|column". (v13.0)

- Import/Export Data

  • Import or Export data in any of the following formats (updated v2.1):
    • Hex Text
    • Decimal Text (v1.2)
    • C/C++ Code
    • Java Code
    • Intel 8, 16, or 32 Bit Hex Codes
    • Motorola S-Records (3 types)
    • Base64
    • Uuencoded Data
  • Export data to any of the following formats (v13.0 updated):
    • Rich Text Format (RTF)
    • Web Page (HTML)
    • Text Area
    • Python Code
  • Can import files from the command line.
  • Drag and drop Intel Hex or Motorola files from Windows Explorer to import them. (v1.1)
  • Can automatically associate 010 Editor with Intel Hex or Motorola files. (v1.1)
  • Verify checksum when importing an Intel-hex file. (v2.0)
  • Can import multiple files at the same time. (v2.0)
  • Support for reading and writing Intel Hex files that use word-based addresses. (v2.0)
  • Support for importing or exporting date to or from the clipboard. (v2.1)
  • Intel Hex and Motorola imports can automatically skip the empty area at the beginning of a file. (v13.0)

- Printing

  • Full print preview with zoom.
  • Set printing font and bytes per row.
  • Customizable headers and footers with many options.
  • Margin control.
  • Print the current selection.

- Compare

  • Powerful binary comparison tool based on enhanced Eugene Myers algorithm.
  • Simple and synchronizing comparison algorithms.
  • Displays results in a table listing matches and differences.
  • Displays a graph showing how the files match.
  • Highlights the two files to indicate which bytes match.
  • Specify minimum match length in bytes.
  • Quick Match option speeds up comparisons.
  • Match case option.
  • Tile files after comparison.
  • Keeps history of last compares.
  • Can limit which bytes are compared in a file (use to compare two regions in the same file). (v2.0)
  • Comparison results are sortable by clicking on the table headings. (v2.0)
  • Can enable synchronized scrolling after running a comparison. (v2.0)
  • Run comparisons from the command line. (v3.1)
  • Merge differences between files using the four icons above the Compare Results table, or Ctrl+Up/Down/Left/Right. (v13.0)
  • The Compare Results table updates as edits are made to the files. (v13.0)

- Operations

  • Performs a number of operations on the data
    • Assign, Add, Subtract, Multiple, Divide, Negate, or Modulus
    • Binary And, Or, Xor, or Invert
    • Set Minimum or Maximum Values (low-pass or high-pass filters)
    • Swap Bytes
    • Shift, Rotate, or Block Shift Left or Right
  • Operand step allows easy creation of arrays.
  • Operand skip for processing data in structures.

- Conversions

  • Conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC characters.
  • Conversion between ASCII and Unicode characters. (v2.0)
  • Conversion between a number of different international character sets. (v3.0)
  • Can convert linefeeds to different formats (e.g. DOS, Unix, Mac, etc). (v3.0)

- Checksum/Hash Algorithms

  • Supports the following algorithms:
    • CheckSum
      • Treat data as 8-bit unsigned bytes
      • Treat data as 16-bit unsigned shorts (v3.0)
      • Treat data as 32-bit unsigned ints (v3.0)
      • Treat data as 64-bit unsigned int64s (v3.0)
    • CRC-16
    • CRC-16/CCITT
    • CRC-32
    • Adler32
    • MD2
    • MD4
    • MD5
    • RIPEMD160
    • SHA-1
    • SHA-256
    • SHA-384 (v12.0)
    • SHA-512
    • TIGER
  • Can exclude a set of bytes in the file from the checksum. (v2.0)
  • Can display the checksum results in hex or decimal format. (v2.0)
  • Can control what precision the checksums are displayed (8, 16, 32 or 64 bits). (v3.0)
  • Can customize the polynomial and initial value for CRC checksums. (v4.0)

- Histogram

  • Histogram tool calculates the number of each byte value in the file.
  • Histogram can treat data in the file as a number of different types (e.g. bytes, shorts, floats, etc). (v3.0)
  • Displays the results in a graph (use this tool to tell whether a file is compressed or not).
  • Control the min/max values of the histogram plus the number of buckets (intervals) generated. (v3.0)
  • All byte counts are displayed in a table that can be sorted by byte value or number of occurrences.
  • Run histogram on the whole file or a selection.

- Portable Version

  • A portable version of 010 Editor is available for running the program from a USB key. (v8.0)
  • The portable version can be run on different computers without having to run the installer on each computer. (v8.0)
  • Available for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit. (v8.0)

- Miscellaneous

  • Support for Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/2000 (32 and 64 bit). (v12 updated)
  • Support for macOS 10.13 to 14 (64 bit). (v12 updated)
  • Support for Ubuntu 16.04 to 23.04 (32 and 64 bit). (v12 updated)
  • Optional Startup page displays latest news, recent files, new repository submissions and tips. (v8.0 updated)
  • Can set a custom application scale factor. (v14.0)
  • Most fields accept input in a variety of formats (for example):
    • "255" (decimal)
    • "ff,x" or"0xff" (hex)
    • "377,o" (octal)
    • "11111111,b" (binary)
  • Easy to use base converter for converting between hex, decimal, octal, binary, float, double, ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC. (v2.0 updated)
  • Many colors and fonts are customizable. (v8.0 updated)
  • Open or mark files as Read Only.
  • Keep file time preserves timestamp when file is saved.
  • Open files from the command line - can also position cursor and make a selection while opening.
  • Perform replacements of strings or bytes from the command line (v2.1).
  • Use wildcard characters '*' and '?' to open multiple files on the command line. (v2.0)
  • Delete or rename files directly from the File menu.
  • Easy tool for E-mailing files as attachments.
  • Add custom tools to the Tools menu.
  • Shortcut keys can be customized.
  • Many windows are dockable.
  • Includes Insert Color and Insert Date/Time commands. (v3.0)
  • Specify the display format of many columns as hex or decimal (v1.2).
  • Display properties of the current file including timestamps.
  • Commands to delete or rename a file on disk.
  • Save Selection command to save selected bytes to a file. (v2.0)
  • Many tables have an 'Export CSV' option on right-click menu to write a comma-delimited file. (v2.0)
  • Extensive documentation with tips.
  • Easy licensing system.
  • Can export or import all application settings. (v13.0)
For more information about 010 Editor, see the 010 Editor Home Page, Binary Templates, or Screen Shots. The Release Notes page also lists when different features were included with 010 Editor.

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