Pro text/hex editor
with Binary Templates

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The section lists all available menu options in the Format menu:

  • Uppercase - Converts all letters in the current selection to their uppercase form (e.g. 'a' -> 'A'). All other characters will not be modified.

  • Lowercase - Modifies each letter in the current selection to their lowercase form (e.g. 'A' -> 'a'). All other characters will not be modified.

  • Capitalize - The command will capitalize the first letter of each word in the current selection and make all other letters lowercase (e.g. 'the title' -> 'The Title'). All non-letter characters will not be changed.

  • Duplicate - If a selection is made, a copy of the selection is inserted after the current selection and the bytes that were inserted are then selected. If no selection is made, the line the cursor is currently on is copied and inserted after the current line and the cursor is moved to the next line. Duplicate works when editing both text and hex files.

  • Move Lines Up - When no selection is active, this command takes the line the cursor is on, removes it and inserts it before the line above the current line, in effect moving the line upwards. If a selection is made then all lines that touch the selection are moved up. If the lines to be moved are at the top of the file then this command has no effect. Lines can be moved when editing both text and hex files.

  • Move Lines Down - If no selection is made, the line the cursor is currently on is removed from the file and inserted after the line below the current line. This serves to move the line downwards in the file. When a selection is active, all lines that touch the selection are moved as well. If the lines to be moved are at the end of the file then this command has no effect. Lines can be moved in the hex editor or text editor.

  • Tabify - When working with text files, this command converts any set of two or more spaces into tab characters if the conversion can be done to preserve the spacing of each line. If no selection is made this operation converts the whole file, and if a selection is made the operation converts all lines that contain all or part of the selection. To view the current tabs and spaces in a file see the Show Whitespace menu option.

  • Untabify - The Untabify command converts all tab characters into their equivalent in spaces. If no selection is made the whole file is converted, and if a selection is made only those lines that intersect the selection are modified. Note this command is only available when working with text files. All tabs and spaces in the file can be shown using the Show Whitespace menu option and the number of spaces per tab can be controlled using the View > Tabs/Whitespace menu.

  • Comment Selection - Adds characters to the file so that the currently selected bytes are considered as comments in a file. If no selection is made the line the cursor is on will be commented. The Comment Selection command supports two different types of comments: line comments (for example '//' in C++) and multi-line comments (for example '/*' and '*/' in C++ or '<!--' and '-->' in HTML). The commenting used is derived from the current syntax. If no commenting characters can be determined from the current syntax, C/C++ comments are used. Line comments will be inserted on each line if possible, but if not possible then multi-line comments will be inserted. Comments can be deleted using the Uncomment Selection command.

  • Uncomment Selection - This command attempts to remove commenting from the current selection and if no selection is made comments are removed from the current line. Both line comments and multi-line comments are supported as described in the Comment Selection command above. If the bytes to be uncommented contain line comments, those comments are removed first. If no line comments exist then multi-line comments are removed instead.

  • Increase Line Indent - Adds tab or space characters to the start of each line that lies all or partially within the selected bytes. If no selection is made, tabs or spaces are added to the current line. Whether tabs or spaces are inserted is controlled using the 'View > Tabs/Whitespace > Insert Spaces' menu option. The number of spaces or tabs inserted is controlled using 'View > Tabs/Whitespace > Indent Size' (see the View Menu for more information). This command has the same effect as pressing the Tab key in the editor while bytes are selected (see Using the Text Editor).

  • Decrease Line Indent - Removes tabs or spaces from the beginning of each line that intersects the current selection. If no selection is made, tabs or spaces are removed from the current line. The number of tabs or spaces deleted is controlled using 'View > Tabs/Whitespace > Indent Size' (see the View Menu. This command is equivalent to pressing the Shift+Tab key in the Text Editor when a selection is made (see Using the Text Editor).

  • Delete Line - If no bytes are selected then the line the cursor is on is deleted. If bytes are selected then all lines that contain the selection are deleted.

  • Delete Blank Lines - When bytes are selected, all lines in the selection that are empty or just contain whitespace are deleted from the file. If no bytes are selected then all lines in the file that are empty or just contain whitespace are deleted.

  • Delete Left Word - Deletes the first word to the left of the cursor. If the cursor is part way through a word, the word is deleted starting from the cursor position to the left until the start of the word is found. If a selection is active just the selected bytes are deleted.

  • Delete Right Word - Deletes the first word to the right of the cursor. When the cursor is part way through a word, the word is deleted starting from the cursor position to the right until the end of the word is found. If a selection is active just the selected bytes are deleted.

  • Trim Trailing Whitespace - This command deletes all spaces and tabs that occur after the last visible character on each line. If no selection is made the whitespace will be trimmed from every line in the file, but if a selection is made each line that lies completely or partially within the selection will be trimmed.

This is the manual for 010 Editor, a professional hex editor and text editor. Use 010 Editor to edit the individual bytes of any binary file, hard drive, or process on your machine. 010 Editor contains a whole host of powerful analysis and editing tools, plus Binary Templates technology that allows any binary format to be understood.

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