File |
Description |
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BookmarksToStruct.1sc |
Gathers all bookmarks placed within a file or the current selection and generates a Binary Template or explicit C# struct with primitive reading.
CZCheckSum.1sc |
Update checksum for czp file
Samdisk_Export.1sc |
Exports Data from Samdisk DSK Images (mostly Retrocomputer relevant)
Imagedisk_Export.1sc |
Exports Data from Imagedisk Images (mostly Retrocomputer relevant)
UnSkew_Image.1sc |
Remove or Add the Skew from Floppy Images (mostly CP/M and Retrocomputer relevant)
Ext-CRC16.1sc |
crc16 function as used in ext filesystems
TazWantedSavCRC.1sc |
Update checksum for TazWanted.sav file
BracketMatch.1sc |
Finds the matching bracket("{}()[]<>"), selects the matched block. When the ending bracket is not found gives information about the number lacking brackets and sets the cursor at the last unbalanced bracket found.
FindShortestLine.1sc |
Find the shortest line in a file and list all line numbers with the same length
FindLongestLine.1sc |
Find the longest line in a file and list all line numbers with the same length
PostfixLines.1sc |
Postfix selected lines with a string or all lines if none selected
PrefixLines.1sc |
Prefix selected lines with a string or all lines if none selected
ReverseBytes.1sc |
Reverse the order of bytes in a binary file, optionally with a specified step size. If a selection is made only the selected bytes are modified, otherwise the whole file is modified.
FindPE.1sc |
Finds PE files within the current file. The script will try to guess the size of the PE files found based on their furthest section. A new file tab is created for every PE file found. Limitations: It doesn't see overlay data from PE files found.
CopyAsPython.1sc |
Copy selection as Python bytes.
ExtractME01.1sc |
Extract the contents of ME01 archives.
Perform ADLATUS CRC32 calculation.
ShowProcessAddress.1sc |
When editing a process, convert the local address into a process address and display the result in the status bar.
CountBlocks.1sc |
This script finds blocks of identical characters within the file or within the selection. Results are stored in bookmarks and printed in the output pane. Block size is defined by the variable LIMIT.
VTContentSearch.1sc |
Searches the current selection in a Virus Total Content search with the default WEB-Browser.
CreateInputPattern.1sc |
Creates Ascii input pattern for identifying RET when Buffer Overflow occurs
Entropy.1sc |
Displays the entropy value for a file or selection. The more random the file looks, the more the entropy value approaches 8.0 (its maximum value).
XORSelection.1sc |
Xors the current selection with a set of bytes, which causes the bytes to be encoded so they cannot be read by a human. Run the Xor again on the encoded selection to decode the data.
OpenURL.1sc |
If the current selection contains a URL starting with http:// or https://, the URL is loaded with the default browser.
DeleteEmptyLines.1sc |
Deletes all empty lines in the selection. If no lines are selected all empty lines in the file are deleted. Note this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Format > Delete Blank Lines'.
DeleteLinesContaining.1sc |
Deletes all lines in the selection which contains specified word. If no lines are selected all lines in the file will selected.
RDM_to_OBJ.1sc |
Convert Anno 2070 .rdm model to Wavefront .obj format
RateStrings.1sc |
Uses Fireeyes StringSifter to Rate Strings
SplitMiffHeaders.1sc |
Cut (or copy, if source file is read-only) MIFF header(s) to new file(s). Not fully compatible with all valid MIFF files, but should work with those generated by ImageMagick.
SimpleEncoder.1sc |
Encode current selection by shifting characters. Supported encodings: ROT-5, ROT-13, ROT-47, Caesar and custom shifts. The complete file is encoded when nothing is selected.
Find_and_Bookmark.1sc |
Find the interactively specified pattern and bookmark the results.The method of the search and the bookmark name can be selected.The last search pattern is kept in the environment variable. Script uses the selection as the range (if specified). See comment inside for further information.
QuickSort2.1sc |
The variant of the quicksort function for the numerical arrays. Keeps information about the original indexes in the separate table. Allows to sort the fragment of the array.
AlpineAPN.1sc |
Convert BMP graphics to use as a backgroung picture in ALPINE iDA-X001 receiver. 320x240 16bit 5-6-5 RGB color file required. Destination file should be saved with *.apn extension
DexFixer.1sc |
Fix DEX file sha1 and adler32 value.
CopyAsHex.1sc |
Copy selected hex bytes as hexstring. Note that this functionality is built into 010 Editor using 'Copy > Copy As > Copy as Hex Text'.
TruncateFileFromCurrentPosition.1sc |
Truncate the file from the current position. Useful when you cant use the keyboard in a demo.
RemoveFromStartToCurrentPosition.1sc |
Remove bytes from start file to current position. Useful when you cant use the keyboard in a demo.
XORSelectionHex.1sc |
Similar to XORSelection.1sc but you can enter the XOR key in HEX style.
XORStringBruteForce.1sc |
Brute forces 1-byte XOR keys looking for a string. Default is part of PE header.
CSVDeleteColumn.1sc |
Deletes one column of data in a CSV file. The column to delete is entered with an input box (1 is the first column).
URLDecoder.1sc |
Convert %xx in a URL to a char. Eg. AAA%3DCCC => AAA=CCC.
Uninterleave.1sc |
When given an interleaved file, this script creates two files by separating the interleaved data. See Interleave.1sc for the reverse operation.
sWeEtSCApE.1sc |
Creates all upper/lower case combinations of a string and writes them to a file.
StringReverse.1sc |
Utility for reversing a string.
StringReplace.1sc |
Utility function for searching for a value within a string and replacing it with another value.
StringPlus.1sc |
Add a number to each character of the selected string or whole file.
SortLines.1sc |
Sort (and optionally remove duplicate) lines in a text file in ascending order.
SelToUpperASCII.1sc |
Sets all letters in the selection to upper case. Note this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Format > Uppercase'.
SelToULowerASCII.1sc |
Sets the first letter of the selection to upper case and all following letters to lower case. Note this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Format > Capitalize'.
SelToLowerASCII.1sc |
Sets all letters in the selection to lower case. Note this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Format > Lowercase'.
SectorSearch.1sc |
Searches at the start of each sector for a value. Moves the cursor to the next occurrence every time the script is run.
Rot-13.1sc |
ROT-13 decoder/encoder of the selected block.
RecordSearch.1sc |
Treats a file as a set of blocks and searches for a pattern at the beginning of each block. Could be used, for example, to search for a pattern at the beginning of each disk sector.
QuickSort.1sc |
Demonstrates how to do a quicksort on an array.
Patchmaker.1sc |
Generate a 010 script to patch a file based on differences. The files must be the same size.
ParseCSV.1sc |
A set of functions to help parsing CSV data with an example. Other separator than "," can be specified.
NibblesReverse.1sc |
Reverse nibbles of data. Eg. DF C2 A1 --->to ---> FD 2C 1A.
Js-unicode-unescape.1sc |
Decodes a %u encoding, similar to JavaScript's unescape function.
Js-unicode-escape.1sc |
%u encode the selected bytes (little endian), similar to JavaScript's escape function.
Interleave.1sc |
Interleaves the bytes of two files together. See Uninterleave.1sc to separate the interleaved file.
InsertTiffTag.1sc |
Inserts the specified tag into a TIFF image, updating the necessary attributes and offsets accordingly.
ImportFindAllCSV.1sc |
Imports a CSV file exported from a Find All operation and creates bookmarks for each occurrence.
ImportBookmarksCSV.1sc |
Imports a set of bookmarks from a CSV file.
HexToAsciiString.1sc |
Convert hex data to ascii string. Eg. 01020304 -> "\x01\x02\x03\x04".
GUID.1sc |
Formats a 16 byte sequence as a Microsoft GUID, prints the result and then copies the result to the clipboard.
GetFileIndexOrName.1sc |
Utility functions to extract the file name from a file path, or to look up a file index from a file name. Note that 010 Editor now contains the built-in functions FileNameGetBase and FindOpenFile.
Fuzzer.1sc |
Fuzz a file by overwriting random locations.
FindLongLines.1sc |
Prints out all text lines in a file that are longer than a certain tolerance.
FindClipboardBytes.1sc |
Find the first occurrence of the bytes stored in the clipboard. The bytes found are selected and the cursor is positioned after or before the selection according to the search direction.
FindBookmarksNearCursor.1sc |
Finds the nearest bookmarks to the cursor. Places the cursor at the previous bookmark and optionally selects bytes to the next bookmark.
FindAllClipboardBytes.1sc |
Find all occurrences of bytes stored in the clipboard. Creates bookmarks for all occurrences found.
Find_Diff_Up_RE.1sc |
Finds the first byte with a different value than the current byte. Allows skipping large blocks filled with the same byte. Search direction is up and uses regular expressions.
Find_Diff_Up.1sc |
Finds the first byte with a different value than the current byte. Allows skipping large blocks filled with the same byte. Search direction is up.
Find_Diff_Down_RE.1sc |
Finds the first byte which differs from the byte under current cursor position. Allows to skip large blocks filled with the same value. This version searches down and uses regular expressions.
Find_Diff_Down.1sc |
Finds the first byte with a different value than the current byte. Allows to skip large blocks filled with the same value. Search direction is down.
EncodeBase64.1sc |
Encode bytes to Base64. Note this functionality is now included in 010 Editor using 'Copy > Copy As > Copy as Base64' or 'File > Export Hex'.
EbookClean.1sc |
Erase repeated BLANK_LINES, BLANKs or lines including selected texts in files.
DumpStrings.1sc |
List all ASCII and Unicode strings in a file. Note that this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Search > Find Strings'.
DelColumn.1sc |
Deletes all columns in a text file between the start and end of the selection.
DecodeBase64.1sc |
Decode the selected bytes or the entire file from Base64 code into binary. Base64 is a code used in email attachments or similar purposes, for to transfer binary data, where only ASCII data can be transmitted. In each character are placed 6 bits. This script extracts from the characters the least significant 6 bits and puts it together to whole bytes. Note that some of this functionality is now built directly into 010 Editor.
CreateMassData.1sc |
Creates files with up to 1 million characters for the use as input in data fields to check the data boundaries.
CopyAsPascal.1sc |
Copy selection or entire file to the clipboard as Pascal code. The text copied into the clipboard contains a Pascal constant definition, followed by the data as Hex bytes in Pascal notation.
CopyAsCpp.1sc |
Copies the selection to the clipboard as hex bytes suitable for inclusion in an C/C++ program. If no selection is made the whole file is copied. Note that this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Copy > Copy As > Copy as C Code'.
CopyAsBinary.1sc |
Copies the currently selected bytes to the clipboard in binary format. Note that this functionality is now built into 010 Editor using 'Copy > Copy As > Copy as Binary Text'.
CopyAsAsm.1sc |
Copies the current selection to the clipboard as hex bytes in a format suitable for inclusion in an assembly program. If no selection is made the whole file is copied.
ConvertBytesToInts.1sc |
Conversion of an array of bytes to integer types (short, int, int64).
CmpLines.1sc |
Compares the current text line with the next line and sets bookmarks at characters which differ, marking them red.
BinToI_IToBin.1sc |
Functions for converting from a binary string to an integer and vise versa. Note that 010 Editor v4 now contains the built-in functions IntToBinaryStr and BinaryStrToInt.
BatchChecksum.1sc |
Demonstrates how to batch process a set of files. Takes as input a text file containing a list of file names, one per line. Opens each file in the list, performs processing on the file (in this case does an MD5 checksum) and then closes the file.
ArrayOfStrings.1sc |
Contains utility functions for packing or unpacking a set of strings into an array. Includes an example.
JoinFile.1sc |
Reassembles files that were split with the SplitFile.1sc script. Open the first file in the file sequence with the file dialog that is displayed. The file name must contain numbers (e.g. 'c:\temp\file.bmp.001'). The joined file will be created as a new file.
SplitFile.1sc |
Split a large file into a number of smaller files. The user must specify the number of bytes per created file and also provide the filename of the first file. Note that the filename must contain numbers (e.g. 'c:\temp\file.bmp.001' or 'c:\temp\file0000.dat').
Randomize.1sc |
Assigns a set of random byte values to a file. If a selection is made only the selected bytes are modified, otherwise the whole file is modified. The user can enter a minimum and maximum value to generate.
MultiplePaste.1sc |
Executes a paste operation a number of times. The user can enter the number of times to paste in an input box.
IsASCII.1sc |
Determines if the currently open file contains only ASCII characters (byte range 0..127). If a non-ASCII byte is found, the cursor is moved to the first byte.